Thursday, December 31, 2009

so instead of talking and talking about restricting

I decided yesterday to just do it. now yesterday was weds. so on tuesday I ate a bunch of shit. like I've been doing for like the past week or so and at some point at the end of the day I weighed myself and I was like 153.4

then the next morning I weighed myself and I was 147.6. that day, weds, I had oatmeal, and a big salad, and a bunch of crackers. I also drank a soda. but today I weigh 145.6 yay.

I mean not to be gross but this morning I was relieved of extra baggage you know and yesterday I ate pretty healthy. big salads are so delicious when you're stoned. like I felt better after eating it too opposed to the junk food.

well. today I don't really have money for food. tonight im going out of town for new years. won't be able to weigh myself til I come back on sat. I'll try to be persistent in my restricting and maybe the scale will tip further.

k so some good news for everyone. I hope you all are doing much better than I though.

think thin


Ana's Girl said...

Wow. That weight came off FAST! Stay strong, dearie.

Kate Lunacy. said...

Stay strong and I wish you a happy new year!