Sunday, December 13, 2009

off subject: I changed my 'about me'

check it out if you like. I've got all these thoughts going on and im sure its because of this article my english professor made me read.

its called 'the numbing of the american mind' and its by thomas de zengotita.

its soo good. I think. I mean the way he describes the different levels of real. I mean idk if any of you have noticed but I have. and I feel like in the world of weightloss, eating disorders are what's real. its seriously like people taking control even when it hurts. and hurting when we've lost control because its like real. its apart of us. idk. I would rather binge right now after 2 1/2 days of fasting and hurt. like truly hurt. than get a trainer and go on a diet and be healthy and wait 10 years to lose anything substantial. because that's fabricated. its a story to tell people. its something to help you define yourself, which is fine, everyone has their story that defines them, but I just don't think it should be linked to losing weight cause its not. im losing weight. im sitting at home, I don't make eye contact with the kitchen, I stay busy to burn calories, I post here so I don't think about food, I and you and everyone else like us is weight loss. we're real weight loss. we're the struggle and the sacrifice. those people are another breed.

you can fnd the article here

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