Monday, July 20, 2009

i just ate a bunch of stuff.

i really cant remember a time when a fast worked for me. i feel real ashamed. not so much gross anymore cause im laying out flat. all i can do is think. im real sorry everyone. real sorry. i feel horrible. this happens everytime.

ive never been 135. never. never. never. never. never. never. never. never. never. never. never.

i dont want it bad enough. i want to be fat forever. maybe im more of a eat breakfast and nothing else kind of person. i have no idea. at least tomorrow and everyday after im going to yoga.

eeeew. i keep burping and i retaste the grossness that i ate. yeah. thats why We dont eat. ugh. wish me a better tomorrow.

i hope youre all doing better than me,
thanks a lot for the comment pixie,

Strict Chick


Ana's Girl said...

Hey, its ok. We all have bad days. Don't let it get to you too much. Tomorrow will be better. :) Smile and move along. It'll all be ok, and you'll be skinnyy!

Undenied said...

I can't fast at all - I'm terrible at it. You may just have to stick with restricting.

Be patient, keep working hard, and you'll reach 135.

Ana's Girl said...

I miss you...

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about tasting the grossness of what you just ate. My mind gets so screwed up when I'm fasting that I can't put anything in my mouth without feeling horrible for it. Then, of course, I get over that and binge. Then feel even more disgusting. Oh well, stay strong! You got it and you DO want it enough!